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March 14, 2016

Happiness Fitness - Strategies for More Joy in Your Life




Everyone encounters tough times in their life but not everyone lets those challenges keep them down. Join us to learn how to increase your resilience and your happiness fitness using strategies similar to those we use to build our physical fitness (no sit-ups required!). This discussion will share recent scientific research into positive psychology and the phenomenon known as post traumatic growth.


Dianne Callahan is a 3-time cancer survivor and an award-winning public relations professional, non-profit executive and encouragement speaker.


Themes of this session
~ Defining happiness and why it matters
~ What happiness is not
~ Looking at happiness fitness like we do physical fitness
~ Daily exercises for increasing happiness & joy in our lives


Participants will take away                                          
~ Recent scientific research data on positive psychology

~ Exercises to increase their own happiness fitness



Click on the images to link to documents.














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